Home » Well-being


Wellbeing in people over 60can be influenced by a variety of factors, including:

  • physical health
  • mental health
  • great appearance
  • Go-Go
    Three Retirement Stages – Go-Go, Slow-Go, No-Go Welcome back! Today, we’re delving into the fascinating journey of retirement, exploring the three distinctive stages that retirees often experience: the Go-Go stage, the Slow-Go stage, and the No-Go stage. So, let’s dive in! The age frame for each stage of retirement can …

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  • Tips Solo Surviving
    Surviving Solo: 5 tips for health crisis Welcome to our video on “5 Essential Health Crisis Tips for Those Living Alone.” Aging brings new challenges and uncertainties, but with the right preparations and mindset, you can navigate them effectively. Creating an emergency plan is crucial for individuals who live alone. …

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  • Health
    Some common concerns for people over 60 include: 1.        Chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis2.        Cognitive decline and the risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer’s 3.        aging related conditions: incontinence, osteoporosis and falls4.        Sleep problems It’s …

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  • Influencers
    Hi everyone, welcome to this video where we discuss all things about fashion and beauty. It’s a topic that’s near and dear to our hearts: fashion influencers for women over 60.
  • Mental
    Facing the reality of getting older and eventually dying is a natural part of the aging process. But we do not have to lose the perspective of finding meaning and purpose in life.There are several emotional health points that people over 60 may face. These may include: 1.     …

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Maintaining good physical health through regular exercise and a healthy diet can help to promote wellbeing in older adults.

Additionally, taking care of ourselves emotionally means maintaining social connections and staying engaged in activities that are meaningful to an individual contribute to a sense of wellbeing.

Besides, beauty is a subjective concept, mostly associated with youth. We can still take care or ourselves in an atractive way, focusing on comfort, style, and character.

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